Daugiau informacijos ir registracija: https://wgforge.wargaming.com/course/quality-assurance-lt-2022/?utm_source=Seeding&utm_medium=VIKO-Career-center&utm_campaign=wgforge-20220905-qa-LT-2022

Are you looking for courses in game dev this autumn, want to be mentored by experts from the industry, and get valuable knowledge?

 The course will be taught virtually by our best professionals in Wargaming Vilnius’ World of Tanks development team. Taught under the wings of mentors, the QA course will detail what exactly QA is and how it’s used in software development, the specifics of working with test documentation and how QA is integrated into the lifecycle of software development.

 As a result, those who complete it will have all the knowledge needed to work as a QA Engineer. Additionally, successful graduates will be offered the opportunity to go further with Wargaming, which could result in your chance to join the company on a permanent basis and, ultimately, make your mark on a game played by millions worldwide.  

If you’re ready to turn your passion into a career, you can apply to join the course here   https://bit.ly/3Q99aHp, as well as find more details about the program. Applications will be open from September 5th to 26th until 12:00 UTC+3.  

http://Edukacinė programa „Wargaming Forge“ Skaitykite daugiau: https://www.delfi.lt/login/technologijos/naujienos/1000-darbuotoju-kartele-besimatuojanti-wargaming-lietuvoje-pradeda-tarptautine-mokymu-programa.d?id=91150723